I have made a similar build to 55 SoA monk farming except with a Ritualist. You have to use SoA and Shielding Hands. No Grim Cesta is required for this build either. I like it more because with 55 monk you can't take on a uber load of monsters as well, and if u loose some regeneration on a 55 you are kind of screwed. The equipment is the same as a 55 but u dont need 55 life because SoA will still make you take 0 damage when you get hit with 105 life.
Here is my build:
Protection: 10
Restoration: 10 + 3 + 1
The extra 11 points go into Smiting or Healing depending on what you are farming.
Vengeful was Khanhai
Vengeful Weapon
Shielding Hands
Shield of Absorbion
Protective Spirit
Scourge Healing/regeneration skill in case of interrupts
Balthazar's Spirit
Essence Bond
I am using armor from Shing Jea ( +15 ) and I still don't take any damage. The 11 skill points can also go into what ever you want if you don't need Scourge Healing or any regeneration, but if you do need regeneration then i would recommend having a grim cesta, but I don't because who wants to waste money on something they don't need, right? You will also want to have a weapon with 20% enchanting, and energy on your armor or weapon isn't really required.